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Lateral Support

Lateral support projects typically entail providing support to retain soil and/or rock in excavations for various purpose including road cuttings, basement excavations, large foundation excavations, bridge widenings, bulk earthworks platforms, pits, box cuts, highwalls etc. Lateral support systems employed include passive systems utilizing soil nails and rock bolts with a reinforced shotcrete facing, cantilevered pile walls as well as active systems utilizing multiple rows of post-tensioned ground anchors often installed in conjunction with a pile wall (secant or soldier pile wall). Temporary as well as permanent lateral support solutions are provided depending on the project specific needs.

Ezulwini Sustainable Water Project

This project required a 15ML Reservoir to be constructed within a mountainside in Eswatini – Ezulwini.

Excavating into the mountainside to create a platform for the reservoir had its own challenges and it has also left a safety risk to the reservoir.

Investigations were done on the high wall left behind the reservoir after the platform construction and the result was that, over time, the high wall will slip into the reservoir and could cause damage to the structure.

Esor’s Geotechnical department was called in and together with the engineers on the project, Aurecon Consultants came up with a solution to protect the high wall from slipping and causing possible damage to the reservoir.

Two benched cuts of approximately 8m high were excavated and supported with 10m to 13m long G25 galvanised soil nails with 150mm thick shotcrete reinforced with Ref. 395 welded steel mesh.

Project value at Tender: R 9 474 289

Duration: 5 Months

DRC – Kamoa Box Cut


Kamoa Copper is located 25 km Southwest form a town called Kolwezi in the DRC. Its own by a Canadian. It’s one of the top 3 richest mine on quality of copper in the world. The mine not the traditional open cast copper mine, it been mined the same as gold with shafts. The Komoa box cut lateral Support site is for a portal entrance for a new shaft. The box cut is 380m long by 218 m wide and from 0m on to 40 m deep, to enable vehicles to drive into the shaft. the work consists of mutable anchors and Shotcrete application.

Site Layout:

Scope of works:

The Scope of Works entails the construction of the Kansoko Central Box Cut, Rock Stockpile Platform and temporary Settling located on surface as required for the Kamoa- Phase 2, it consist in 4 section named overburden, bench 1, bench 2, bench 3. this will be excavated in +- 2.5-meter drops to allow for the installation of anchors and Shotcrete. Therefore, includes the following:

– Installation of 1.2m soil nail 9000 no

– Installation of 3 m SDA anchors 527 no

– installation of 6 m SDA Anchors 6536 no

– 3500 meters of wheep holes in 1.5- and 4-meter lengths

– Mesh and Shotcrete of 46600m²

Contract Summary:

CONTRACT SUM:                                              R 90 036 171,88 Excl vat

START DATE:                                                       15 December 2021

COMPLETION DATE:                                        22 June 2022

Upgrading of R23 between Greylingstad and Standerton

Raubex was contracted to complete the upgrading of the R23 between Greylingstad and Standerton.

Part of this scope was to complete Bridge Wing Walls at the River crossings.

A temporary solution was required to retain the road formation to allow Raubex access to construct the wing walls.

Reinforced Shotcrete with Soil Nails were installed to retain the road formation allowing Raubex to safely construct the wing walls.

Soil Nails varied in lengths of  6m to 3m.

Contract Value : R 987 261.42

Duration : 6 Weeks

The Rehabilitation of Pelaneng Adit

A bit of Background on the Katse Transfer Tunnel and Adit

Tenders were invited in October 1989 and the contract. in the sum of M 582 million, was awarded towards the end of 1 990 to Lesotho Highlands Project Contractors (LHPC), a joint venture of five international and South African contractors lead by Spie Batignolles of France.

With an overall length of 45 km it was necessary to provide for at least two intermediate access adits, and these were located at Pelaneng on the eastern side of the Malutis and Hlotse on the west. The inlet and outlet adits created the possibility of multiple headings for advance of the excavation.

LHDA awarded Esor the contract for the rehabilitation of the Pelaneng Adit in 2021.

This project kicked of in 2022 with a 6-month completion time.

As the refurbishment progressed, additional areas required attention and support which almost doubled the initial duration.

Scope entailed the following :

  1. Drain collected water.
  2. Installation of a permanent drainage system
  3. Scaling rock at suspect areas.
  4. Apply new shotcrete at failed areas
  5. Install DCP Bolts (double Corrosion Protected) and Galvanized G25 anchors.
  6. Installation of a ventilation system.
  7. Installation of a lighting system

Contract Value : R 20 330 577

Duration :            11 Months

Paradise Valley